Life was a feast

Diary (hopefully daily) of your average guy.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Can't get there fast enough

So I went out for a morning cup of chai at Border's. Something of a ritual on the weekend. Sit in Border's and have a chai while memorizing some magazines so as to be spared the expense or clutter of actually owning them. Too bad Border's doesn't serve their chai anymore. It's now handled by Seattle's Best. It's still ok, though. The fun part was meeting up with Amy, this sweet Scottish redhead I met a little while ago. So we sat and drank and read and snuck glances at the other one while making faces. We decided to browse for some books, and she came up with this ridiculous idea: we had to run to each location we were trying to get to. Seems odd. Well, it is. And we elicited some looks. And it didn't end there. We went out for a bite to eat at the bagel place and it carried on. Then, at the end of the day she said the most amazing thing. She told me it was fun running around together...but she had an ulterior motive. She told me each second she shaved off of an ordinary task today was another second she could spend with me later. How damn sweet. So that's that. We're going to meet up later and have some dinner. No running, though. We'll see how it goes.

1 marmots vomited during this post:

At 3:33 PM, Blogger psychoalice said...

Im guessing this is the new blog?? Sounds like fun!


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