Life was a feast

Diary (hopefully daily) of your average guy.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brace for impact

Been doing a pretty good amount of reading lately. Got in touch with some of the old "masters". It's nice to re-read an old favorite and find new things that apply to your life, that never did. Or things that might not make as much sense as they once did. Or maybe as much sense as you had hoped. That's what I find anyway. I guess a lot of that has been influencing my dreams. Part of which was that my Dad was in the hospital again. Except this time, I was there. As was my brother and mother. And I said to my brother, in front of all, that I wished it was him on his death bed. Felt good, really. That's that.

So I have to decide which of the invites and plans I will actually attend and follow through on for these holidays. Not that there are tons, but there are enough that I have to pick and choose. And that makes life a little know, picking favorites. I guess it's more accurate to say that I am actually picking my least favorites and eliminating them. That's usually how it ends up happening. Oh well. It could be a lot worse!

OK. Gotta go and do some exercise then shower up for the date. I'll keep you posted.

0 marmots vomited during this post:

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