Life was a feast

Diary (hopefully daily) of your average guy.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Holy floating doo-doo balls.

Random is such a great thing. Social D piped up with Story of My Life. Not enough people know them. There should be a pied piper blaring this shit throughout the towns and villages (are there any left) across this land of ours.

Crap, I gotta go pretend I will be going to bed. Later.



"Meat is good and if you don't like America, go live in Russia."

"Fuck all y'all Klansman Nazi-lovin' motherfuckers."

What album are those two from? Different song, same album. Same artist. Woo-hoo...major bonus point at stake here...

Unrelated....what's on iTunes now? The English Beat "I Just Can't Stop It".

Cakewalk here. Artist or song name.

"Kathleen's point of view was this...take whatever you can grab."
"Julie came and went so fast, she didn't even say goodbye."
"Well, Rhonda had a house in Venice, lived on brown rice and cocaine."

See? easy. Suicide Girl will get them...


She came in to work..

The fucking ex, who else?

She asked for me at the front desk, which is frighteningly close to my area. So I get up and wander to the front and meet her. Well, she stopped returning my calls (we were friends, mind you!) a while back, so I gave up. I walk out and smile. "Hi, can I Help you?"

"Hey, we need to talk."

"........What can I help you with?"

"........I think we just need to talk about 'us' ."

"What 'us'? I don't...know you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't know you. Is there something I can help you with? If not, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. I have a lot of work to catch up on."

"Uh, we dated. I need to talk to you about how I left things between us."

"Nothing was everr left between us. I really have no idea who you are. I have to get back to work. Maybe one of the guys upstairs can help you out. Lorrie, can you make sure someone upstairs sees her?"

With that, she left. Sweeeeet. The bitch gets hers. Love is grand. But revenge is pure and sweet bliss.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I owe Sarah too many beers already...

So, here's a song lyric for the other person that read this:

"If not for you, I might not even know....there's no need to spend the nights alone."


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The bitch

She called today. Well, last week. We decided we would spend a little time today haing lunch together. But in her last email to me at work, she said "Sounds good. Let's correspond on Monday to confirm." Sounds friendly, right? So I call Monday and leave a message near her off-work time (5 PM). Nothing until about 10 AM, at which time I get an email about cancelling due to a burst water pipe.

So I call her back and she calls while I am doing so, so I pick up. She says she can't understand why I had written her off for the lunch, which I had. No confirmation on Monday. But we decide to do a dinner and ???. But, I call back and email and it turns out to be meeting for dinner only. Nothing else. That's really fine. But, she calls at 4:20 (conincidence?). No go. She wants to "Lay low and have some 'me' time, all alone". Been there. I understand. But around 6:40, the cats decide they want to waste all of the litter and I must go buy more. Literally, 2 blocks from her house at the Slaveway. So I go. In the horrendous weather. 6 degrees and snowing. I mean it. But, she no home! So I do my business and stop by one the way home (after the DUM lines). Still no home. Hmm. Fuck that bitch. I call her cell. Leave a message. She has no land line. No cable TV. Nothing. Loser, right? And I leave this concerned message because no one is there to help me leave an angry message. Not Sarah's fault! But I Know I will not hear from ehr for a few days. Fuck her, right? OK. Good. I can move on. Off to beer and whiskey.


Monday, December 05, 2005


Tomorrow is just another today. I heard that tonight. Makes me get all thoughtful. I am glad I have what I have.

I sat in on an interview at my company today. Some guy from town was applying for a job as an ironworker. Wants to lead his own crew within our company. Said he was tired of commuting to the big city up North for more money. Said he was getting tired of spending $200 in gas per week. The detective in me thinks about these things. The gas would amount to at least 95 gallons a week. Now, from here at my house to where he works is about 73 miles. And I live pretty central to the city itself. And they are working 4 10-hour days. So he makes 8 trips per week. That's 584 miles. And 95 gallons of gas. That's 6.147 miles per gallon. I would buy a new car. A 1-ton 460 Ford towing a 5th-wheel trailer gets about 8. Now, WTF does he drive? Punk ass lying bitch.

But the good part? I think he sold the HR guy in our company on the prospect of $19 an hour. Sweet. So he'll be making marginally less than me. Rock on. Now, where do I go to be so smooth-talking?

So, in other late-breaking news, there's this Suicide Girl Jesse that I have been talking to for quite a while now. She originally worked at my pub, but she left and we stayed in touch. All the cute shit; swapped CD's, spent hours poring over each other's iPod music, met at 'Bucks. You know how it goes. Well, we hadn't seen each other in a while, and she saw me at another bar the other night. The girl recognized my new glasses and haircut. Seems, once there is one in your life, there are many. I can't complain, and I won't. Jesse is mad tasty. She even got me the Suicide Girls book. No, she is not in it. Damn. That's OK. I have the feeling I can check out her needlework any time I like. I just need to figure out how badly I wanna fuck things up with Amy. So off I go, like a cheap prom dress... to figure this out.


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brace for impact

Been doing a pretty good amount of reading lately. Got in touch with some of the old "masters". It's nice to re-read an old favorite and find new things that apply to your life, that never did. Or things that might not make as much sense as they once did. Or maybe as much sense as you had hoped. That's what I find anyway. I guess a lot of that has been influencing my dreams. Part of which was that my Dad was in the hospital again. Except this time, I was there. As was my brother and mother. And I said to my brother, in front of all, that I wished it was him on his death bed. Felt good, really. That's that.

So I have to decide which of the invites and plans I will actually attend and follow through on for these holidays. Not that there are tons, but there are enough that I have to pick and choose. And that makes life a little know, picking favorites. I guess it's more accurate to say that I am actually picking my least favorites and eliminating them. That's usually how it ends up happening. Oh well. It could be a lot worse!

OK. Gotta go and do some exercise then shower up for the date. I'll keep you posted.

Can't get there fast enough

So I went out for a morning cup of chai at Border's. Something of a ritual on the weekend. Sit in Border's and have a chai while memorizing some magazines so as to be spared the expense or clutter of actually owning them. Too bad Border's doesn't serve their chai anymore. It's now handled by Seattle's Best. It's still ok, though. The fun part was meeting up with Amy, this sweet Scottish redhead I met a little while ago. So we sat and drank and read and snuck glances at the other one while making faces. We decided to browse for some books, and she came up with this ridiculous idea: we had to run to each location we were trying to get to. Seems odd. Well, it is. And we elicited some looks. And it didn't end there. We went out for a bite to eat at the bagel place and it carried on. Then, at the end of the day she said the most amazing thing. She told me it was fun running around together...but she had an ulterior motive. She told me each second she shaved off of an ordinary task today was another second she could spend with me later. How damn sweet. So that's that. We're going to meet up later and have some dinner. No running, though. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Wow, it's been a day...

So I drove over to the ex's house tonight. It's been about a year since we broke up, so I figured it's time I grew nuts back. Talked with her for a few and asked her out. We have a date Sunday for a little dinner and a movie. Any recommendations? I still like her a lot. We see each other at pubs and clubs, and we are completely friendly...hugs and all. It's cool. But I think we both know we fucked up earlier. It had been a while for both of us. Man, if I could only get the notion of sex with her out of my head. SO good. But that's neither here nor there.

Anyway, I must go and consume great quantities of alcohol tonight, and I am ovrdue for that already. I just know that I need to start this somewhere. Thanks for reading. It will get VERY interesting, I promise.
